Research reveals that approximately one in five individuals will experience mild or more severe clinical depression during their life and require the services of a psychologist for depression treatment. It is important to distinguish between depression and normal feelings of sadness which are relatively brief and have only a small impact on everyday life. Depression is generally much longer lasting and can have a devastating impact on an individual’s life is left untreated.

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Sometimes there are no obvious reasons for depression. Certain people are more likely to suffer from depression and require depression counselling than others due to factors such as family background, life circumstances, experiences and personality traits.

Symptoms of depression include: social withdrawal, irritability or feelings of restlessness, low or no libido, consistent negative thinking, low self-esteem, low motivation, more frequent anger outbursts, poor concentration and memory retention, persistent tiredness and difficulty sleeping, reduced appetite or over-eating and suicidal ideation

Our highly experienced psychologists at Living Change Psychology located in Bellfield on the outskirts of Ivanhoe, Preston and Heidelberg provide depression treatment using evidence-based approaches to help those struggling with depression to lead happier and more productive lives.

Treatment depends on the individual but will generally involve a combination of cognitive behavioural therapies, solution focused counselling and psychodynamic theory. Interpersonal therapy has also been shown to be an effective treatment in many cases.

We can also help with a range of issues requiring a psychologist including anxiety treatment and counselling and a child psychologist from our team can help children and teenagers.


Our psychologists carefully consider the type of depression a person may be experiencing and the severity of its symptoms to determine the right form of treatment.

If you are seeking the most effective and highest standard of professional counselling to overcome depression, call Living Change Psychology on 03 9440 9886.