Parenting is hard at the best of times but can be complicated by a number of factors including relationship breakdown, financial difficulties, the influence of peers and the impact of social media.

Very often as parents we can be extremely critical of our parenting abilities, particularly if it looks like other parents are doing much better than we are at the parenting game. The reality is that almost all parents experience difficulties in their parenting over different stages of their children’s lives.

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Our experienced team of psychologists at Living Change have been carefully selected for their diversity and skills but also for their life experience and ability to relate to everyday challenges in a down to earth and non-judgemental way. With this in mind, they can assist you to:

  • Understand what to expect at every stage of development.
  • Develop effective strategies to create meaningful change.
  • Understanding family dynamics and impact of the developing child.
  • Parent effectively after a divorce or as a single parent.
  • Understand and resolve differences in parenting between yourself and your partner.
  • Give you tools and guidance to assist your children with a problem that they may be experiencing.


If you are looking for useful and practical parenting advice, make a booking with Living Change Psychology located in Bellfield on the outskirts of Ivanhoe, Preston and Heidelberg call us on 03 9440 9886.